October 23, 2012

Daily Photo Tour - Inspiration at Closing Time

At the end of a long day at Disneyland I always love to sit back and reflect on the day. It's usually customary to find me sitting on a bench, just taking it all in (with some amazing beverage/food combination). Closing time is one of my favorite times to do this. Disneyland is a very thought provoking place. You can touch the sky with your hopes and dreams, and know that anything is possible. You can release all the worries of life and realize that whatever your heart desires is out there somewhere, just waiting for you to find it.

Have you ever wondered why Disneyland so inspiring, so magical? I'll tell you. It's the culmination of artists and dreamers that create. It's the people that have been inspired themselves that craft and design the inspiring places we visit when we go to Disneyland. The very fact that these people have a passion, and put there all into one thing, shows through at this amazing place. Disneyland has such an emotional affect on all of us because it is causing us to view things through the lens of passion. And without passion, life just doesn't feel the same. It can feel empty, and just down right depressing. That's because we were made to do something! Find your passion, whatever it might be, it will completely and utterly transform your life. I promise.

Disneyland - Sleeping Beauty Castle
Photo by Kevin Crone

Comments (7)

On October 23, 2012 at 9:14 PM , Anonymous said...

WOW - this picture is BEAUTIFUL and brings a smile to my face. At the same time, it totally touched every emotion in me and made me cry. It is the last place I shared time with a dear friend, who is no longer with us. So many good times in this location, shared with some wonderful friends and family. From pin trading, to watching swing dancing, to seeing my great niece meet her favorite princess, seeing a wedding in the nearby garden and the countless characters that passed through- this location and this picture will always warm my heart. Thank you for sharing your passion - keep it up!

On October 23, 2012 at 9:57 PM , sajohns5 said...

I couldn't agree with this more! Just getting to enjoy the beauty of Disneyland that you guys share through your blog gives me a little taste of that passion to tide me over until I get to take it all in for myself on my next visit. When I look at this picture I feel like I'm sitting right there hearing the music and smelling fresh popcorn while watching the Castle sparkle.

On October 24, 2012 at 1:06 PM , Anonymous said...

One of my new favorites. Kevin you made my Wednesday a bit brighter.


On October 26, 2012 at 7:23 PM , Adrianne said...

I miss the Carnation Plaza SO much! No matter how wonderful the new Princess meet & greet is, it won't compare. Thank you for this pic. It brings back many wonderful memories!

On October 27, 2012 at 8:01 AM , Terry said...

Kevin....I just saw this picture after my computer being down all week. Another beautiful shot of the Castle and Plaza. But it's your message that is so powerful. You have an amazing ability to put into words what so many of us feel about Disneyland and can't quite express. This really touched my heart because being at Disneyland is truly an emotional experience for me. The passion and love that Walt started and passed on to his artists and creators is everywhere to be seen. We have only to look. The pictures that you, Matthew and Michaela through your own passion, share with us help us to see. I agree with Adrianne about missing the Plaza. I feel so grateful that I also have wonderful memories of it. It was one of my favorite places to relax and people watch. I'm looking forward to seeing the magic of the holidays as Disneyland transforms into a winter wonderland. Thanks for all you do.

On November 6, 2012 at 5:35 PM , Anonymous said...

Going to Disneyland as a child was always a thrill to me because of all the rides and my favorite characters to see. As an adult I get such mixed emotions I can never put my finger on it. As a passholder I now have learned to take my time in the park and so much more has opened up to me. I find so many different things every time I go. I wish to commend you and your friends for sharing your different views of the parks. Makes me long for another trip to the parks where I can enjoy being in a magical place.

On January 13, 2013 at 8:10 AM , tina aka forrestina vintage said...

Perfectly shot, perfectly stated. Thank you!