February 1, 2013

Daily Photo Tour - The First Look Down Main Street

Millions of people have visited Disneyland since it first opened in 1955 and there is one thing I think most of us could all agree on. The love of this view. For me, it has always been that first look down Main Street that hits home. It doesn't matter what kind of day it is. Nothing compares to that moment you come around the corner and you see the castle for the first time. You know, it just makes you feel like a kid again. I like that. I do believe though I'm not the only one who feels this way, and there is a reason for this.

It's interesting how Town Square, Main Street, and the Castle are all laid out. Have you ever thought about it? Sleeping Beauty Castle isn't the first thing you see when you walk into Disneyland. You have to pass under the train tracks from either side, walk through the tunnel, where you'll "leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy", and then follow the path around the flag pole sweeping from either side towards the center. But, the view of the castle is blocked by the height of the buildings and forcefully by the path the sidewalk takes as it circles the flag pole. When you reach the beginning of Main Street you finally see Sleeping Beauty Castle, and the perspective of the street leads your eye right toward the epic icon. It is an ingenious design, and a great way of telling a story by simply designing the path a guest will take through the park. Maybe that first look is so engraved in everyone's mind for all the same reasons.

Photo by Kevin Crone

Comments (2)

On February 3, 2013 at 8:39 AM , Rick Modien said...

Your extraordinary art puts me there, as it does in this photograph. I could pay you no greater compliment. Thank you.

On April 11, 2013 at 11:19 PM , Margaret Williams said...

I love this picture. Right now I am using it as my wallpaper on my computer. I think it would be beautiful as a canvas wrapped picture.