May 19, 2013
Daily Photo Tour - Waiting for a Ride
Growing up, there was this commercial that used to play what seemed like every commercial break. It was for a car insurance company called Survival. If that name hasn't instantly jogged your memory, allow me to clarify. This commercial and its numerous iterations would feature a guy walking along a road, jacket held over his shoulder by a finger or two. That makes you cool, or so I was led to believe by these commercials. The commercial would cut between Mr. Cool and, usually, a woman with bright lipstick driving a sporty car. When she saw how cool this guy along the road was, she would pull over and offer him a ride. Who wouldn't? At this point he would lean onto the door and ask two questions - "Are you insured?"...(yes)..."By Survival?"...(no). To which he would respond, "I can't take that ride." I haven't seen that guy in years. I assume that after turning down so many rides he probably died along the side of the road from dehydration or starvation or something. Seeing people wait in line for Autopia always seems to make me think of seeing those commercials growing up.

Photo by Matthew Hansen
Comment (1)
"I haven't seen that guy in years. I assume that after turning down so
many rides he probably died along the side of the road from dehydration
or starvation or something." LOL! That's hilarious. :)
Very cool picture! I love the sky in contrast with the bright lights.