June 11, 2013
Daily Photo Tour - Fly 'n' Buy Premium
There are some occasions when only the best will do. Not the best "stuff" but the best of ourselves. They are the times worth celebrating and the ones we remember. Sometimes, it's not an occasion at all but a person that brings out the best in us. When we had the opportunity to meet Dave Durham, we spent the day learning that he is one of those people. He's not only ridiculously smart, he's unceasingly curious and passionate about everything he does. One can't help but be inspired to strive for the high standard of doing life well that he sets. He pours the best of himself into everything. It was nearly six months ago and reflecting on that day with Dave has been commonplace for the three of us. It makes you wonder what kind of impact you could be having on others if you constantly put the best of yourself forward in every situation, every opportunity, every day.
Photo by Michaela Hansen
Rare proof that we have fun and the cameras are not permanently glued to our faces!
Photo by Dave Durham
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