May 24, 2010

Daily Photo Tour - The Disney Gallery

Imagine for me, if you will, that you work for The Walt Disney Company. Now let's pretend that you have been told to search the warehouses and find a specific crate and send it into the garbage. Wouldn't you want to open it!? Wouldn't you want to see what kind of Disney artifacts they are throwing away. And if they are tossin' them, then I'm sure old Walt wouldn't mind if you snagged a few souvenirs for yourself? Right? I mean, you've put in your time. Well, one real cast member couldn't help themselves but to open the crate. And oh boy did they find something interesting. It so happens that they came across a original model of Sleeping Beauty Castle that imagineers had thought had been lost forever. The finding of this triggered an all out man-hunt to open every crate they ever thought was bootless. Disneyland's very own treasure hunt. A lot of the items you see in The Disney Gallery at Disneyland have been found from this search. And of course, the castle that started it all is on display.

The Disney Gallery on Main Street, DisneylandPhoto by Kevin Crone

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