April 11, 2012

Saturday Surprise!

We've been working on a new project to share, which we intend to make a much more regular occurrence. We're excited to announce that we'll be posting it here on Saturday, along with our various social networks. Speaking of which, have you "Liked" us on Facebook and followed us on Twitter? If not, you should! Our little Saturday surprise will fit perfectly with the Spring season we're in and provide a brief respite from this quirky weather.

Daily Photo Tour - Wild Ride in the Sky

The weathervanes of Disneyland are some of my favorite details. They have a way of encompassing what sits beneath them so well. Mr. Toad, riding wildly in the sky, is no exception. It's not hard to see that this crazy amphibian is merrily on his way to nowhere in particular and with no time to spare. Making time to spare at Disneyland, however, is a must. The more you do, the more treasures you'll find.

Wild Ride in the Sky - Mr. Toad - Disneyland
Photo by Matthew Hansen

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