April 18, 2013

Daily Photo Tour - An Evening at Cafe Orleans

This was taken on one of those rare evenings where we actually had a list of places to take photos. I can't honestly say that I ever noticed this mosaic adorning the entrance to Cafe Orleans before. Perhaps it was the simple act of searching out something new or the light glistening along the golden inlay. Whatever it was, it seemed unavoidable that evening as if it were searching me out in return. Finding new details in such a familiar place is one of the most rewarding aspects of photography; to have been somewhere a thousand times and still discover something new.

Cafe Orleans at night in New Orleans Square - Disneyland
Photo by Michaela Hansen

Comments (3)

On April 19, 2013 at 7:59 AM , Rick Modien said...

Michaela, you have captured exactly what I've written here in my comments a few times regarding how God and love are in the details. And how our experience of the Park is enhanced when we stop looking at only the big stuff and start noticing the small stuff. The Imagineers have done an extraordinary job of creating realism and authenticity in the details of Disneyland. And nothing pleases me more, or adds layers to my experience there, than quieting down, pausing just about anywhere I find myself, and really seeing–usually for the first time–what's right in front of me. It doesn't matter where you are in the Park, it's there for you to see. When you're ready. When you're open to it. And you'll wonder how you missed it so many times before. Your Cafe Orleans shot is a beautiful example. Thanks for sharing and for proving my point.

On April 19, 2013 at 8:09 AM , Rick Modien said...

If I may make just one more point. One of the most extraordinary places in Disneyland, believe it or not, are the shop windows on Main Street and in New Orleans Square. The detail in these arrangements is nothing short of spectacular. I've noticed this especially during the Christmas holiday season (but they're great year-round too). While everyone's rushing off to the next attraction, you'll find me standing in front of these amazing displays, created with such love and care. Whoever comes up with them is a true artist. They are stunningly beautiful. May I suggest you look there too for inspiration. I'd love to see photos from the three of you of the window displays. What a thrill it would be to behold them again, when I can't go to the Park near as often as I'd like to, and marvel over each and every detail. Just an idea.
I challenge each and every one of us to open our eyes and see what has been there all along. It's like seeing the Park as if for the very first time. The newness, wonder, and magic never end.

On April 21, 2013 at 5:00 PM , Joey James said...

I can't believe how often I find new details at Disneyland in light of how long I've been taking pictures there. I don't think we will every run out of new things to take pictures of or of new angles on the things we know so well.