May 8, 2013
Daily Photo Tour - Why Did it Have to be Bats?
I love the Temple of the Forbidden Eye and it always bums me out to have go through it so quickly. The queue is every bit as good as the ride itself. When you make it to this point, the bat cave area, that's when things really get interesting. The path gets crooked. The walls and ceiling close in on you a bit so that there's a level of discomfort. That discomfort is always offset for me by hearing Jim Carey as Ace Ventura shouting "Guano!" Just me? Dangit...

Photo by Matthew Hansen
Comments (4)
HA HA! Guano!! Love it. Sadly I never got to ride this when we were there, instead I was taking the (too) little one through the tree house while my son rode it with grandpa after which it promptly broke down for the rest of the day...
LOL! I do the same thing! I was young (just barely tall enough to ride this ride when it first opened I felt like such a big kid when I stepped up to that measuring stick ant was tall enough! ) I also remember how long the line was. At that time they let people in the temple so you had to walk through the temple and stand in the queue line and go through it just like Splash Mountain! I went on it with my dad (my mom stayed out with my little brother) and before the trip he sat me down and we watched the Indiana Jones movies. I felt like an explorer going through this temple LOL. Thank you so much for sharing this picture!
Sorry to hear that Howard. Indy can be so hit and miss sometimes. Hope you get a chance to ride it next time!
Thanks for sharing Carissa, it's great to hear your memories of Indy. Really rekindles some of my own. I don't even remember when they'd let you just walk into the temple. I always wish I could spend more time going through but everyone is so excited to get on the ride it makes it difficult to slow down.